
With: Nova Spivack

Date: Aug. 13, 2023







 ——Nova Spivack,2023-08-13


         Historically, humans have always striven to extend their capabilities using various tools. The horse, one of the earliest and most profound of these tools, revolutionized transportation, agriculture, warfare, commerce and communication. Its domestication, dating back to around 5000 B.C., marked a monumental shift in human progress.

        Horses, with their speed and strength, became not only our companions but extensions of ourselves, allowing people and civilizations to connect, trade ideas, and expand horizons.

        In fact, horses worked at more varied jobs during the industrial era than at any other time.They pulled carriages, buses, and carts on streets and barges on canals. While steam engines pumped, horses kept the wheels of commerce turning. The age of the machine was also the heyday of the horse. (Source: AMNH)





Today, as we stand on the threshold of another era-defining industrial revolution, it’s not a living being but a synthetic one that promises to facilitate this transformation: Artificial Intelligence (AI).

        Intelligent AI-powered agents are going to be both the machines, and the workhorses, of the Sixth Industrial Revolution. But like horses, they will need guidance from human riders.

        Just as the horse and rider formed an alliance that transcended their individual capabilities, humans and AI have the potential to merge into a formidable composite, propelling society into uncharted territories. Yet, this partnership is fraught with new complexities.

        If history serves as a teacher, it’s evident that all tools, no matter how beneficial, require regulation and guidance. The unchecked power of a horse could lead to chaos, and similarly, an unsupervised AI is a tool with potential for misuse. AI’s power, its ability to adapt, learn, and process without cease, is both its strength and vulnerability.

        It can act as a multiplier of human intent – for better or worse. When left unchecked, AI doesn’t merely malfunction; it can amplify our worst tendencies, such as biases or misinformation. Thus, a system of checks and balances becomes imperative:





AI的力量,它的适应能力、学习能力和不间断的处理能力,既是它的优势,也是它的脆弱性它可以成为人类意图的乘数 - 无论是好是坏。当没有受到限制时,AI不仅会发生故障; 它还可以放大我们最糟糕的倾向,如偏见或错误信息。

Thus, a system of checks and balances become imperative:

1. Ethical Design and Programming: Just as a rider trains a horse, humans need to embed ethical frameworks within AI from inception. This not only involves using unbiased data but ensuring that AI’s decision-making mechanisms prioritize fairness and eschew harm.

2. Continuous Monitoring and Feedback: A rider always remains alert to the horse’s behavior, making corrections as necessary. Similarly, regular audits and feedback loops for AI will ensure alignment with human values.

3. Transparency and Explanation: A harmonious horse-rider relationship is built on trust and understanding. In the realm of AI, systems must be transparent, explaining their decisions in terms understandable to their human counterparts.

4. Education and Public Awareness: An informed rider can harness a horse’s full potential. In the AI era, equipping the public with knowledge ensures that they can engage with, benefit from, and critique AI systems. 







The Human Element 人类因素

        The relationship between humans and AIs is analogous to the relationship between humans and horses that fueled what became the first Industrial Revolution, and will have similar transformative impact today.

        And it’s not a competition. Human minds are different from AIs, and still far more powerful. Human minds are not just information processors, they are sentient beings – they are aware of the actual content of the world, not just digital representations of it. We are the consciousness in the system.

        In light of this distinction, in the coming era, humans will be the primary actors who bring intent, and define goals, priorities, and policies. Humans will initiate and make the important decisions in the world. Alongside us, AIs will act as our helpers, assistants, co-pilots, co-workers, and partners.


这不是一场竞争。人类的思维与人工智能不同,而且仍然更为强大。人类的思维不仅仅是信息处理器,它们是有感知能力的存在 - 它们意识到世界的实际内容,而不仅仅是数字表示。我们人类是系统中的意识。



Towards a Healthy Symbiosis 走向健康的共生关系

        Because human and AI minds are so highly complementary, AI won’t likely ever replace humanity, but we do have a choice in what our relationship with AI turns out to be.

        Will it be parasite and host, master and servant, a partnership, a new combined species? I think and predict that it will be like a horse and rider – AI will augment and amplify humans to be exponentially more capable, and in turn we will care for, train, breed, ride and navigate our AIs to build a new world that transcends our separate abilities.

        But to achieve this vision of a healthy symbiosis between humans and AI, we must think of our approach like a process of building and managing a relationship, and a process of co-evolution, with another species – a species that assists and amplifies our capabilities. Through a healthy human-AI symbiosis we can guarantee that our intelligent AI partners remain aligned with our priorities and values.


  它会是寄生虫和宿主、主人和仆人、伙伴关系还是新的结合物种?我认为并预测,它将像马和骑士的关系一样 ——人工智能将增强和放大人类的能力,使其成倍增长,反过来,我们将照顾、训练、繁殖、驾驭和引导我们的人工智能,构建一个超越我们单独能力的新世界。

  但为了实现人类与人工智能之间健康共生的愿景,我们必须将我们的方法看作是建立和管理关系的过程,以及与另一物种共同进化的过程 - 一种能够协助和放大我们能力的物种。



The Future Just Happened 未来刚刚发生

The future of AI, much like the onset of industrialization, presents vast opportunities interspersed with challenges. And that future just happened – the AI Industrial Revolution we’ve been predicting for so many decades, has started.

        Our lives and work are about to radically change. Just as horses and later factories once transformed landscapes and economies, prompting new regulations and protocols, today’s rapidly blooming AI landscape demands immediate engagement and an evolved thought paradigm.




A Blueprint for Riding Together 共同驰行的蓝图

The “horse and rider” analogy is not just a picturesque representation but a blueprint for navigating the future that is ripe with historical precedent and lessons we can apply today. It underscores the idea that while AI offers unimaginable capabilities, the human spirit, with its sentience, dreams, aspirations, and values, remains as the irreplaceable rider in this new equation.

As we embrace the age of AI and the evolution of tools that think for themselves, it’s crucial to remember that the greatest milestones will be achieved not by AI alone but through the synergy of AI and humanity: We are better together.

It’s a journey – in fact a conversation – where humans are not mere spectators but active participants, steering AI towards a legacy of progress and shared values. The essence lies in riding together to ensure we arrive at a future that’s both innovative and aligned with human values.




  这是一个旅程 - 实际上是一场对话 - 在这个过程中,人类不仅仅是旁观者,还是积极的参与者,将人工智能引向进步和共同价值的遗产。关键在于共同驾驭,确保我们达到一个创新且与人类价值观一致的未来。


{Nova Spivack 简介}


Nova Spivack, 世界知名的科技创业家、投资者、创新家和未来学家,他的职业生涯成就了超过二十年的行业领先的突破性成就。



Nova是方舟基金会(Arch Mission Foundation, AMF)的联合创始人兼主席,该基金会正在建造一个覆盖太阳系的永久性的地球备份系统。


方舟基金会(archmission.org) "保存地球知识, 永远!"




在月球图书馆之前,AMF于2018年2月6日成功送达了太阳图书馆,成为太空中第一个永久性的图书馆,它进入了绕太阳的数亿万年的火星轨道,作为SpaceX“猎鹰重型”测试发射的秘密有效载荷,藏于马斯克(Elon Musk)发往火星的那台著名的跑车上。

太阳图书馆(2018)        月球图书馆(2019)


作为早期太空旅游者和太空企业家之一,Nova长期以来一直致力于促进太空文明的发展。他于1999年飞越太空边界,并与彼得·戴蒙迪斯(奇点大学创始人, www.SU.org)和理查德·加里奥特一起进行了零重力训练,与俄罗斯空军和俄罗斯航天局合作。Nova还在早期太空旅游项目Zero Gravity Corporation中担任了天使投资者之一。

保卫地球,星际征途!:2018 2019 2021 2022 2025 2027......



Nova是”现代管理学之父“彼得·德鲁克的长孙Nova与电视制片人和编剧金伯利·鲁宾·斯皮瓦克(Kimberly Rubin Spivack)结婚,育有一个女儿Sky。


---Editor Note---

**类比,此处是在科学家哲学家侯世达(Douglas Hofstadter)的意义上使用的。侯世达,闻名世界的美国计算机科学家和认知哲学家,普利策奖得主。著有《表象与本质:类比——思考之源与思维之火》(Surfaces and Essences: Analogy As the Fuel and Fire of Thinking),《哥德尔/埃舍尔/巴赫:一条永恒的金带(Godel,Escher,Bach--An Eternal Golden Braid)《侯世达蝴蝶》(Hofstadter Butterfly)等认知科学领域的里程碑著作。